The word Wilson’s disease may not be a familiar term for many people. It is a disease that occurs when copper content of the human body exceeds normal level. It was discovered by a Medical Researcher called Fredrick Theador Von Frerichs in 1854 and named Samuel Wilson


Wison’s Disease (WS) directly affects Human Brain as well as Liver.  Liver related symptoms include vomiting, feeling of weakness, swelling of legs, itchy and yellowish skin and abdominal stimulations. Nostalgia, Mental Shock, difficulties in Speech and tightening of muscles are symptoms that occur when the brain is affected. Disorders in the Nervous System and Mental problems are predominant symptoms when WS impacts brain. Unless treated properly WS could worsen and cause the need for Renal as well as Liver Transplantations and even necessitates Heart surgery.


WS could occur to people starting from childhood up to the Middle Age. To date Western Medicine System has not been able to invent a proven medication to treat this condition. In this context it is heartening note that Dr. Kularathna the leading Rasa Medicine Practitioner in Sri Lanka has found an effective methodology to successfully treat WS and offer permanent cure to this intractable medical condition.


Speaking about WS Dr. Kularathna explained that, this condition could occur due to high content of copper contained in the food people consume nowadays which through gradually weakening of the organs of the body could ultimately lead to vital organs like Brain and Liver becoming totally dysfunctional bringing about life threatening health conditions. Throughout the world many People are suffering from WS and Dr.Kularathna elaborated to say that being a disease that occurs very seldom WS may not be easily diagnosed in the initial stages. However in Sri Lanka he has already identified and cured three persons suffering from WS.


Dr.Kularathna stated that Rasa Medicine (RM) is a proven system of treatment that could cure plethora of ailments.  Moreover it is a science in its own right and has a robust solution to permanently cure WS. RM adopts a unique system of blending Zinc and Copper to treat WS by reducing copper accumulated in a patient’s body to desirable level. Efficacy of this method could be scientifically proven and through this methodology Dr. Kurathna is confident that he would be able to offer treatment to WS patients from throughout of the world.


Dr.Kularathna stated that he has already taken steps to inform the institutions from the world over that are involved in medical research to find a solution to cure WS that, time tested RM system has found a permanent cure the disease, and the feedback received from said institutions so far has been encouraging.


Those who are able to visit Rasa Medicine Clinic at No 82, Galle Road, Golumadama Junction,Ratmalana, Sri Lanka. could now obtain treatment for WS as well as a wide array of ailments.

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