The Story how one Mrs D. Dissanayake’s who was for a long time ill due to persistently high and uncontrollable level of Triglycerides recovered in lightening speed after merely two days of Rasa Medicine Treatment is no doubt very much revealing deserves in depth consideration. She had turned to Rasa Medicine after trying a whole gamut of treatment without any success. Triglycerides cause “Atherosclerosis” or formation of fatty substances forming a deposit of plaque in the inner lining of the arteries. Those who are affected by this condition run very high risk of heart disease or stroke.

Relating what she went through Mrs. Dissanayake confessed that none of the treatment she tried over a long time succeeded in giving her full recovery other than some temporary relief. Like many who regularly visit Sri Mangala Rasa Osuhala Clinic for treatment today, she also has initially felt skeptical about making a breakthrough, since all prior attempts through Western Medicine have failed to bring about the desired result.

However having been persuaded by a friend she had visited Sri Mangala Rasa Medince Clinic at Golumadama Junction and met with Dr.Lalith Kularathna and Madam Kularathna, for a consultation and explained the type treatment that has been obtained for her condition without any success. The laboratory test done at that time found her Triglyceride level to be disturbingly high at 1100.

Mrs. Dissanayake commenced Rasa Medicine treatment under the care of Dr. Lalith Kularathna on 10th June 2012. She visited the Clinic after two days on 12th June’12 with a medical report disclosing the incredible, that her Triglycerides had drastically reduced to 84.5.

She was nonplussed by the incredibly fast recovery that had been made and could not figure out how it happened so fast, having failed to make any breakthrough with Western Medicine after spending heavily for a long period of time. She once again visited the Sri Mangala Clinic and met with the Doctors to learn about the miracle power of Rasa Medicine “the medical marvel”.

Overjoyed by her recovery she went on say that, she is fully cured and knows of many who have been cured similarly and Sri Lanka is extremely fortunate to have such a wonderful medical treatment available within easy access to everyone. She says it is the duty of all well meaning citizens in this country to make Rasa Medicine treatment popular among people for the benefit of the general public considering its very effective and curative qualities.

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